Thursday, December 10, 2015

Poetry Battle!

So, a friend and I somehow got into a poetry battle earlier today, on Facebook.  I copy pasted the whole thing!  I am the blue, they are the white.  Enjoy.

With the Lord on your side, who is to chide?

I like my ryhme
Me too smile emoticon

I like rhyming
As do I, But I don't know why.

It's a gift, sometimes it makes a rift
It causes joy In girl and boy.

It can be rad, but also quite bad
Bad? Oh no! It's quite a great show!

It takes a lot of time, To make a good ryhme
Perhaps for some,
For me it takes none! tongue emoticon

(Not a perfect ryhme.) Perfection though, Don't you know?
Okay, maybe some time, But dang, I wish I had a chime.

A chime you say? Do you think that is the way?
Chimes, they make a beautiful sound, They make my heart leap and bound!

I'll buy a chime, just for you. I'll have it high, to avoid the dew.
That's so sweet! But you better not cheat!

Why would I run? This is quite fun!
I don't know why, I guess I'll just sigh.

Why not have fun joy? This isn't a ploy.
Are you sure? Watch or I'll sic on you my cur.

Would I really ever lie? I would rather sooner die.
I know that's what you say, I suppose I'll believe you this day.

Why not have a little trust? This friendship isn't made of dust.
Dust to dust, ash to ash, As friends, we party and have a bash!

Will it be fun? I bet, though not for everyone!
Fun? Of course! Why not bring a big white horse!!!

A horse? That is crazy! Besides, I am far to lazy!
Well, why not? Why have my ideas you've shot?

I am slower than it, Besides where is the bit?
When trained to follow, A bit it has no need to swallow.

Have you ever tamed a beast? Don't you know that's the least?
A beast? My pet? A sweetie, I bet.

A wild animal it is, It will never miss.
It is not, You're full of snot!

A kid you not, I do not lie, Would you like your bread of rye?
What?! Rye bread? Wheat bread! Or I'm dead!

I am sorry, I didn't know, But now I know what I can sow
Oh, you sew? I didn't know!

A farmer always sows his field, The hoe is what he can wield
Why not a plow? To plant your chow?

The olden way is how it's done. Though it's not all the fun
Fun it's not? Give it another shot.

Seed by seed in the ground. It's really how I broke my crown.
A crown? Be ye a king? Wear thee a signant ring?

A king really has no worth. Don't you know my the blinking curse?
That's a bad ryhme. Sorry for the waste of time.
A time waste you say? Shush shush, my bae!
(sorry, bae was all I could think that rhymed with say....)

*dies laughing*
*hangs head*
Oh crap, you really died! And of pain I have now sighed.

Let's end the contest in a draw, I can't win them all.
Aww, but rhymes are fun!
I could never be done!

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