Saturday, December 19, 2015


I was just scrolling along my Facebook and one of the groups I'm in was sharing poetry.  I saw a poetry that I liked a lot, so asked to share it on my blog....  Here it is.  She also has a picture that she put it on, so I'm sharing that as well.  Her name is Patci Parker, the poet, I mean.

When I was a child I knew I was a dragon, knew I had to fly
In my innocence I spent the days waiting to grow my wings
Because dragons are made to fly

When I grew up and had no wings, I decided my dragon was a childish thing
Like knights and castles and queens and kings
Because dragons are made to fly

I lost my way on life's long page, was beaten down and felt man's rage
Felt sad and sick, alone and caged
But dragons are made to fly

When one day it came that my cage was unlocked and my wardens back was turned
I trembled in fear, how could I escape knowing I was bound to return
But dragons are made to fly

In a field far away, I discovered my wings, stunted and shriveled and small
They wouldn't unfurl, wouldn't spread out, I had damaged them after all
Maybe this dragon wasn't good enough to fly

Months went by, a step at a time, each beat of my wings made me cry
So much damage done, scared to soar and die
I could be shot if they saw me fly

Something happened though, through the pain and tears, each time I'd start to cry
The fear would get smaller, and my wingspan would grow, my heart reach for the sky
Maybe this dragon could fly

A lifetime of chains, mean words and cruel deeds
From child to woman who finally is freed
Just look at this dragon 

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