Thursday, December 31, 2015

DarkFire's (The Dragon) Lore!

So, I play a game called Flight Rising and in this game, they let you write lore for your dragons!  I have currently only written one lore, but I plan on writing one for each of my dragons.  This is my first dragon, a female, named DarkFire.

And here is her lore:

            DarkFire didn’t know where she had come from or what her name had been before—if she’d even had a name before—but she knew that she was where she belonged.
            She called herself mistress of her lair, and as she was the only one residing therein, no one dared to contest her.  But as the days wore on, she grew lonesome.  Every day, she would peer out the door of her lair, longing for a dragon to visit…but she was too frightened to adventure on her own.
            Her days were comprised of pacing the stone floors, feeling the heat radiate around her and feeling like the most cowardly of dragons.  She left her lair only when she grew hungry.
            One day, as she was hunting, she came across an injured Zeeba.  She was instantly pleased; she wouldn’t have to hunt all day for a bit of food.  Then she felt a pang of guilt.  How could she think of killing the innocent, injured creature?  She battled within’ herself, then picked up the Zeeba in her claws and carried it back to her lair.
            She sat it down, and blocked its way out by making a pen of stones, then told it firmly, “You are my pet now.  You will keep me company, so I will not be lonely.”  The Zeeba did warm to her and soon, she could take it out of the pen and it wouldn’t even try to run away, but just run around with her, enjoying itself.
            But she still longed for dragon companionship.  One night, when the sky was dark and cloudless, she looked up at the brightest star she could see and softly whispered, “If there’s a God…please hear my prayer and send me…not just a friend, but a mate.”
            When she awoke the next morning, there was a Guardian dragon standing at the opening of her lair, peering in expectantly.
            “Who are you?”  She demanded, startled.
            “Um…my name is Dusk,” he told her.  “And you are?”
            “I’m DarkFire, mistress of this lair.”
            “You’re beautiful.  I was waiting for you to wake up.”
            DarkFire was taken aback.  Her Zeeba didn’t speak and she had never been called beautiful.  “I’m beautiful?”
            He nodded.  “Very much so.  I love your wings.”  There was a longing in his orange eyes.
            “My wings?”
            “Yes, your wings.”
            She turned and looked at her wings and remembered her prayer from the night before.  “You like them?”
            “No.  I love them.  They’re so beautiful.”
            “Where are you from?”  Her heart was aflutter and she felt safer just changing the topic.
            “Further down there,” he gestured with a wing.  “I also have another fire dragon and,” he lowered his voice, “a wind dragon.  I appeared from…from honestly, I’m unsure…but the other two are fleeing from their old lairs.  You’re welcome to join us…or…could we join you?”
            DarkFire glanced behind her, into her lair.  It was large.  Large and empty.  When she turned back toward Dusk, she felt her heart breaking from the sorrow of loneliness, but swelling with hope.
            “I’d love if you joined my lair.”  She lowered her head, “I’m the only one.  Me and my Zeeba, that is.”
            “Oh?  You have a Zeeba?  I have a hedgehog back with the others, and they have a Loga and a Grey River Flight.  We could have an entire menagerie!”
            DarkFire laughed, “There’s plenty of room!”
            Dusk left, but soon returned, bringing with him a young, shy fae, and a coatl that preferred to quietly hum to himself.
            “You know,” Dusk told her quietly when they were alone, “You’re not like most mirrors.  They prefer to be with their own breed, but you like being with us.  We’re just a band of misfits.”
            “I like being a band of misfits.  It’s better than being lonely.”
            Dusk nodded in agreement.  “DarkFire...” He said softly, “I’ve been thinking…would you like to be my mate?”
            She remembered her prayer once more, that if there was a God, that he would send her a mate.  And here he was.
            “I’d love to.”  She told him softly, barely daring to believe it.

            At last, the day came and she and Dusk made a nest and DarkFire laid four eggs.  She was so nervous they would break or be rotten and not hatch, but to her delight, they all hatched and were given the names: Protector, Shadow, LittleFire, Charred Embers.
            As the months wore on, more and more dragons, of all elements and breeds joined the band of misfits, the doors were closed to no one.  In fact, soon, they had to expand…and expand…and expand even more!  Surely, she’ll be expanding even more.
©2015 Katie Holm

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My Tower

So, I was just going through my sketchbooks, because we're packing to move and I found a poem (yes in a sketchbook), that I wrote when I was...young....  I thought I'd share it.

My Tower

Up in my tower so high,
I look outside and I sigh.
A princess held captive,
Will no one save me?
I look outside and I sigh.

The graves look at me, I sigh.
The waves roll past me, I sigh.
Please don't save me, I'm fine.
I look outside and I sigh.

I'm fine, believe me, I'm fine.
I sigh, for I'm happy, I'm fine.
So please don't save me, I'm fine.

Up in my tower so high.
I look outside and I sigh.
I'm happy and free,
Up in my tower I sing.

©2015 Katie Holm

Saturday, December 19, 2015


I was just scrolling along my Facebook and one of the groups I'm in was sharing poetry.  I saw a poetry that I liked a lot, so asked to share it on my blog....  Here it is.  She also has a picture that she put it on, so I'm sharing that as well.  Her name is Patci Parker, the poet, I mean.

When I was a child I knew I was a dragon, knew I had to fly
In my innocence I spent the days waiting to grow my wings
Because dragons are made to fly

When I grew up and had no wings, I decided my dragon was a childish thing
Like knights and castles and queens and kings
Because dragons are made to fly

I lost my way on life's long page, was beaten down and felt man's rage
Felt sad and sick, alone and caged
But dragons are made to fly

When one day it came that my cage was unlocked and my wardens back was turned
I trembled in fear, how could I escape knowing I was bound to return
But dragons are made to fly

In a field far away, I discovered my wings, stunted and shriveled and small
They wouldn't unfurl, wouldn't spread out, I had damaged them after all
Maybe this dragon wasn't good enough to fly

Months went by, a step at a time, each beat of my wings made me cry
So much damage done, scared to soar and die
I could be shot if they saw me fly

Something happened though, through the pain and tears, each time I'd start to cry
The fear would get smaller, and my wingspan would grow, my heart reach for the sky
Maybe this dragon could fly

A lifetime of chains, mean words and cruel deeds
From child to woman who finally is freed
Just look at this dragon 


If you look to the right, I have made a poll asking how to pronounce the name "Soichain" that I used in the last story I shared.  Please let me know how you would pronounce that name.  And if it isn't listed there, just comment here and tell me how you'd pronounce it.  Thank you!


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Poetry Battle!

So, a friend and I somehow got into a poetry battle earlier today, on Facebook.  I copy pasted the whole thing!  I am the blue, they are the white.  Enjoy.

With the Lord on your side, who is to chide?

I like my ryhme
Me too smile emoticon

I like rhyming
As do I, But I don't know why.

It's a gift, sometimes it makes a rift
It causes joy In girl and boy.

It can be rad, but also quite bad
Bad? Oh no! It's quite a great show!

It takes a lot of time, To make a good ryhme
Perhaps for some,
For me it takes none! tongue emoticon

(Not a perfect ryhme.) Perfection though, Don't you know?
Okay, maybe some time, But dang, I wish I had a chime.

A chime you say? Do you think that is the way?
Chimes, they make a beautiful sound, They make my heart leap and bound!

I'll buy a chime, just for you. I'll have it high, to avoid the dew.
That's so sweet! But you better not cheat!

Why would I run? This is quite fun!
I don't know why, I guess I'll just sigh.

Why not have fun joy? This isn't a ploy.
Are you sure? Watch or I'll sic on you my cur.

Would I really ever lie? I would rather sooner die.
I know that's what you say, I suppose I'll believe you this day.

Why not have a little trust? This friendship isn't made of dust.
Dust to dust, ash to ash, As friends, we party and have a bash!

Will it be fun? I bet, though not for everyone!
Fun? Of course! Why not bring a big white horse!!!

A horse? That is crazy! Besides, I am far to lazy!
Well, why not? Why have my ideas you've shot?

I am slower than it, Besides where is the bit?
When trained to follow, A bit it has no need to swallow.

Have you ever tamed a beast? Don't you know that's the least?
A beast? My pet? A sweetie, I bet.

A wild animal it is, It will never miss.
It is not, You're full of snot!

A kid you not, I do not lie, Would you like your bread of rye?
What?! Rye bread? Wheat bread! Or I'm dead!

I am sorry, I didn't know, But now I know what I can sow
Oh, you sew? I didn't know!

A farmer always sows his field, The hoe is what he can wield
Why not a plow? To plant your chow?

The olden way is how it's done. Though it's not all the fun
Fun it's not? Give it another shot.

Seed by seed in the ground. It's really how I broke my crown.
A crown? Be ye a king? Wear thee a signant ring?

A king really has no worth. Don't you know my the blinking curse?
That's a bad ryhme. Sorry for the waste of time.
A time waste you say? Shush shush, my bae!
(sorry, bae was all I could think that rhymed with say....)

*dies laughing*
*hangs head*
Oh crap, you really died! And of pain I have now sighed.

Let's end the contest in a draw, I can't win them all.
Aww, but rhymes are fun!
I could never be done!