Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Modern Day Retelling of The Good Samaritan

The girl was walking down the road on her way to home from school. She held her books to her chest, and tried to blend in. It didn't work.
The bullies found her.
Alanna gulped. She was sure of what was going to happen next. She was right.
The bullies beat her up, and threw her books aside. They left her there. Left her there, nearly to die.
She was fighting to stay awake, and was slowly loosing the fight. She was gulping for breath.
Tear came to her eyes as she tried to crawl to the grass. At least to be more comfortable in her agony.
She heard footsteps and looked up. It was Levi, one of the football players, surely he would help her!
Levi looked at her, and his footsteps faltered a little bit, but then he walked on the far side of the road from her.
This rejection made her cry even more.
She whimpered as she struggled to get to the grass, somewhere soft to lay, where she could regain some energy!
She struggled, she was nearly there, when she heard more footsteps. She looked up.
"Help" She barely squeaked it, but Lisa, the cheerleader, heard it and walked on.
She began to loose hope that anyone would find her. She would be left for the gang members, who would surely kill her. There was nobody left to help her. She thought.
But then as she was about to let unconsciousness claim her, she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"What happened? Alanna?"
Alanna turned, and saw the boy that the whole school hated. She had never been kind to him, she had usually said mean and hurtful things about him, and to him.
She was scared. Scared he would get back at her for everything she had done or said to him that would hurt him.
But he didn't. He gently carried her over to the grass and said,
"I'll be right back."
And he was back. He was back soon, with his motorcycle, and then he carried her to the motorcycle, and took her to the hospital.
He said he would have to go, but he gave the hospital money, more than they thought they would need, but he said to take care of Alanna, and to spare no expense, and what was left over they could use to help people fighting cancer.

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