Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Modern Day Retelling of The Good Samaritan

The girl was walking down the road on her way to home from school. She held her books to her chest, and tried to blend in. It didn't work.
The bullies found her.
Alanna gulped. She was sure of what was going to happen next. She was right.
The bullies beat her up, and threw her books aside. They left her there. Left her there, nearly to die.
She was fighting to stay awake, and was slowly loosing the fight. She was gulping for breath.
Tear came to her eyes as she tried to crawl to the grass. At least to be more comfortable in her agony.
She heard footsteps and looked up. It was Levi, one of the football players, surely he would help her!
Levi looked at her, and his footsteps faltered a little bit, but then he walked on the far side of the road from her.
This rejection made her cry even more.
She whimpered as she struggled to get to the grass, somewhere soft to lay, where she could regain some energy!
She struggled, she was nearly there, when she heard more footsteps. She looked up.
"Help" She barely squeaked it, but Lisa, the cheerleader, heard it and walked on.
She began to loose hope that anyone would find her. She would be left for the gang members, who would surely kill her. There was nobody left to help her. She thought.
But then as she was about to let unconsciousness claim her, she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"What happened? Alanna?"
Alanna turned, and saw the boy that the whole school hated. She had never been kind to him, she had usually said mean and hurtful things about him, and to him.
She was scared. Scared he would get back at her for everything she had done or said to him that would hurt him.
But he didn't. He gently carried her over to the grass and said,
"I'll be right back."
And he was back. He was back soon, with his motorcycle, and then he carried her to the motorcycle, and took her to the hospital.
He said he would have to go, but he gave the hospital money, more than they thought they would need, but he said to take care of Alanna, and to spare no expense, and what was left over they could use to help people fighting cancer.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Little Car on the Dirt Road

Here's a new story :)

Once there was a little car. She was a pretty little car, but so little that nobody wanted to buy the little car at the car shop.
Finally, she had had enough. She quietly reved her engine, and drove off.
She ran out of gas on a little dirt road, and when she stopped she began to cry.
"Nobody wants a tiny little car like me. They say, "Oh that little car is cute." But then they say, "But we need a bigger car.""
The tears were falling faster now, and she was beginning to get rusty.
After a few years she was a rusty little car, with flat tires, and a cracked windshield. Her paint was gone, and there were bird droppings all over her.
She felt unwanted. She felt unloved. She felt abandoned. No one in the world would want her now.
Just the thought made her cry again.
"Little car, why are you crying?"
"Nobody wants me!"
The little car felt a hand on her door. A hand? It wasn't a bird talking to her, or a squirel, but a person?
A human being was talking to her?
"I want you."
The little car looked at the person. He had a kind and gentle face, large hands, and he was tall.
"You want me?"
The man nodded, and the proceeded to put gas into the little car. And right there and then the man fixed all of her insides, and then took her home.
He took all the rust off. It was so hard, but soon she was rust free. Next the man painted her a bright yellow, a happy color, and got a new windshield for her.
He loved that little car so much. And she loved him.

The moral of this little story of a car on a dirt road is, Somewhere out there, there is someone who loves you so much that they'll take you no matter what condition you're in, and even if there isn't a human, there's always God. ;)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hello Peoples!

This is my first blog post so I guess I should tell Y'all something about myself, and just why I am making this blog.
First off, I am a 13 year old girl, with red hair, a hot temper, and a strong love for my friends, family, and horses.
I enjoy to write, and rollerblade, and many other things.
I have made this blog because I enjoy to write, and wanted a place to put my original stories, how ever my fanfiction writings are at,
My name on there is Iluvhorses1997, so if you wanna read my stories.........
Well considering that this is a place for me to publish stuff..... Here's a short story to "cut the ribbon" for my new blog :)

Once there was a sweet little girl. Her name was Nan. She had soft blond hair, and sparkling blue eyes, and frekles across her cute, thin, and upturned nose.
She enjoyed wearing dresses. And she loved all the colors except pink. And the only thing that she loved as much (If not more) than her family, and that was horses.
All colors, and her favorite song was that one lullaby about horses.
She could be heard, her sweet eight year old self singing it.
"Black and gray, dapled and bay.... All the pretty little horses."
She knew excactly what kind of horse she wanted.
She wanted a sweet gentle and kind horse, one that wouldn't buck her off. A horse that would go like the wind, and allways come back to her.
One night as she was trying to sleep she heard a noise. A loud whinnying noise. A hurt horse whinny.
She snuck out of her house, and followed the noise.
When she got to a large tree a little farther away from her house, she stopped. A boy, of about twelve (Old in her eyes) was fending off some wolves that were trying to kill a beautiful, but scared black gelding.
He was bleeding, both the boy and the horse, but Nan only saw the blood on the horse. The dark red blood, staining the dark black body.
The boy paused to comfort the horse, and it was silent for a moment, but then when the tall boy turned to hit one of the wolves with a large branch he freaked out again.
Nan darted from her hiding place, and began to pet the horse. He calmed. Oh thank the Lord he calmed.
His blood stained her PJ's, but she didn't care.
As the wolves ran off, tired of fighting, the horse quieted even more.
"Charcoal? Are you okay sweet boy?"
"He's your horse?"
"Yeah. But I won't get to keep him. I have to sell him, or, or, or...."
His voice trailed off.
"Or what?"
"Kill him."
"Can I have him? Please?"
The boy smilled, he knew she would take care of Charcoal, from the way she had bounded in there and comforted him, so he agreed, and Nan had her horse.
One day when she was thirteen, she was riding HER horse. She loved to call him that. He was HER horse.
Anyway, she was riding her horse, when a boy walked up the driveway.
Nan had no more control of where Charcoal went.
Nan was surprised. She didn't know this seventeen year old boy was!
The boy glanced at her, and she recognized his eyes.
He was Charcoals first owner.
"Y-y-you, haven't come to take him away have you?"
The boy shook his head no.
"I just wanted to check up on him. You keep him."
Nan nearly flew off of Charcoal to hug the boy, well now nearly a man, who five years ago had given her his horse to take care of, and now was letting her keep the horse.
And So Ends The Story Of The Girl Who Loved The Horse