Saturday, November 28, 2015

Journal of a Kitty

Completely unedited, enjoy.

So, today, I was just playing with my brothers and sisters while my mommy just watched from afar.  She doesn’t really play with us too much anymore, because we’re getting older and don’t need her as much.  I even eat more of the little round brown thingys than I used to and I don’t nurse as often!  But I still cuddle with her, so I’m okay with not nursing as much.
Something weird happened though.  Some new humans came over and there was this one human and she just picked me up and petted me.  I crawled on her shoulder and she laughed and called me a parrot.  Whatever.  I’m a cat.  But if she doesn’t know her animals, that’s not my fault.
She also held my brother, and she petted both of us.  A slightly bigger human held one of my other brothers and after awhile of this, the human holding me sat down on the couch, so of course I crawled onto the back of the couch.  She seemed kind of sad about it and kept picking me up to hold me.  Silly human, I want to explore!
Then the strangest thing about the entire evening happened!  She picked me up and carried me outside and got into a big strange looking thing.  She petted me and said soothing things, but I was too busy looking out of the windows of the weird thing we were both in.  I noticed that the bigger human I’d noticed before held one of my brothers.  He was more content to just sit and cuddle, but that’s okay.  I like exploring.
We got to this place I’d never been before and my brother and I got to play on the ground with new grass that we’d never seen before.  The human that held me kept saying something about a name and Poro and liking something called League and that’s why Poro.  I don’t know what all that’s about.
We met another cat there.  She was older than us and she was pretty, but she wasn’t very happy to see us, she kept hissing at us.  It scared me.  There was also a big black dog and he scared us a little bit too.
Then, the human that held me took both me and my brother upstairs and gave us food and water and showed us the litter box.  I wonder where humans pee and poop, because they don’t seem to have litter boxes….

~Little kitty, signing off.

©2015 Katie Holm

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