Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Well, I was going through the things on this blog, including the unposted posts....and found this.  No clue where I was going with it...but if anyone has any ideas, go ahead and comment and let me know!!!

Once there was a little girl named Amanda. She was beautiful. Long black hair, and sparkling blue eyes.
She had an amazing voice, she could sing anything, and her drawings looked like they would leap off the page, the songs that she played on the piano sounded like angels were playing them. She never bragged about it though.
But she had a problem. The problem was her older sister.
Her sister, Julie, wasn't pretty, with her brown hair and sharp cold blue eyes, the scar on her chin from when she had gotten into a fight with a boy, and her atitude.
Julie was fifteen, and always made fun of her beautiful thirteen year old sister. She said things like, "You are SO ugly! You can't play piano near as good as ME! Your voice is WAY too flat! And your atitude, well, it's just NOT good!"
Amanda hurt at the things her sister said, and she believed them, but the critisim only made her get better. Instead of practicing piano for only an hour, she would play for hours, and hours, until her fingers bled.
She sang as much as she could without her voice disapearing completly. She was hurting so much inside.
Would her sister ever love her? At all?
As she walked home from school one day, books clasped tightly to her chest, blinking back tears as she remembered the words from the cruel cheerleaders. Why were all those cheerleaders so mean?
She heard footsteps behind her, and she picked up the pace, praying that no one would torment her again.
She was so realived when she found out that it was only her guy friend, Josh.
He was a very cute boy, and she liked him allot, but doubted that he would ever care anything about her. Well, nothing more than just friendship.
She smiled up at him, "Hi Josh."
Josh, with his sweet lopsided smile darted up to her, and said, "Hey Amanda, I have the most funny joke ever!"
Amanda smiled, and her eyes lit up, his jokes were allways funny!
"Tell me, tell me!"
Josh grinned again, and her heart skipped a beat, he had no idea what kind of affect he had on her!
He towered a good four or five inches above her, so he grinned down at her, and began the joke.
"Never say hi to your friend Jack on a plane," His eyes were twinkling with laughter, but Amanda was confused.
"I don't get it," Her eye brows were knit together with confusion, and her eyes were puzzled.
Joshes eyebrows shot up. "You don't?!" He said it like it was strange thing.
Amanda shook her head.
Josh sighed, he hated it when he had to explain them, yet he loved it. He loved the look of realzation that came up on her face.
"Okay, I'll explain it," his face took on a suffering look, but Amanda knew that he didn't mean it. "You see, you see your friend Jack, and what do you say to him?"
Amanda looked kinda still confused, and answered, "Hi Jack?"
Then a look of realzation came over her face, and she got a huge grin on her face, and burst out laughing.
The laughter died, when she realized she was at her house. She did NOT want to go in, but she had to.
"Bye Josh,"
"See ya 'Manda,"
Amanda felt like she was about to walk into the lions den, and she wasn't so sure she'd survive.

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